Welcome to my blog

Hello my wonderful readers!
I welcome you to my lifestyle blog, a sister to my lifestyle magazine, Celesta (which you will find in the pages section). Allow me to take you along with me in this amazing journey where we are going to discuss matters concerning our daily life experiences. If you feel like you can relate to one my topics you are free to comment or add something in the comment section. I want it feel like we are in a conversation, especially in issues that concern women in general. Our world is changing on a daily basis and we are moving along with a new revolution in technology. So we need to equip ourselves with the basic and necessary knowledge and life skills that go along with our daily life experiences. We are no longer in the past centuries where women were only seen as objects to men. We have to shine our light and put in the right places where others can reach it. Gone are those days when women could not take decisions without the consent of a male figure in their lives. now we are free to take charge of our lives.
Now if we do things in together in unison even though, there are few who still dwell in the past, we will move forward to remove all the barriers that were put by the old laws to put us in the rear position where we could not do anything rather than running household chores and bearing children to raise them with the little amount of money we receive from our working partners, who happen to have their side chicks who would live to dress smart to impress the men while we were sweating in the scorching sun, to hoe the vegetable garden with little children on our backs while those coming from school would want to see their food ready when they come from school.
Now we wake up early in the morning to go and see to it that we contribute to building the economy of the country. That is where we need to improve ourselves and help others to grow with us so that we build a strong nation. There strength in us is so immense that whatever we agree upon can be possible.
All we need is to hold each other's hand and move along, putting a little bit of faith and compassion towards each other. Determination and faith accompanied by education can take us far as much as we want
Take a tour to my world of thinking, so that we can cruise together to deep side of our imaginations, where we can build a strong nation. Almost all the topics that will come across here are about us as women and our capability to make a change or to contribute to the change that is already occurring in our environment. I also included my author work, see the links below and click to read.
One of the topics are have emphasised in most of my articles and poems is perseverance. This is the most important phenomenon. most women who are top positions always have a story to tell and that story is a proof of their resilience towards the changes they came across as they climb their way to the top. The is no success story that has no history of challenges. All these become a strong story to tell that brings hope to those who are still on their path to success.
So it all depends on us. Let us do this.
Thank you
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